URGENT Call to Teachers & Public Employees

Learn How We Can Help YOU
Save 100% of Your Income For Retirement

+ Get A Free $5 Starbucks Card

You’re time is precious, so as a thank you for speaking with an Appreciation Financial consult, enjoy a free coffee break on us with $5 Starbucks card

As Featured IN


“As a teacher with over 20 years of experience, I knew my pension was important, but I didn't know how to maximize its potential. Appreciation Financial's team of experts guided me through the complexities of retirement planning, helping me understand the specific formula that determines when and how much I would receive from my pension."

Rita K.,

School Administrator

"Thanks to Appreciation Financial, I finally feel in control of my retirement. Their expertise in pension planning and personalized guidance have made all the difference. I can't thank them enough!"

Mark C.,

School Administrator

"Appreciation Financial helped me navigate the complexities of my employer's retirement savings plan. Their advice and support made it easy to make informed decisions to secure a the future I want for me and my family."

Emily H.,

2nd Grade Teacher


Full Retirement Does NOT = 100% of Income and here’s why…

Remove the guessing from your retirement and instead gain confidence in having a set financial/retirement plan for you and beneficiaries.

Plan For What Your Dream Retirement Will Look Like.

Navigate the intricacies of retiring with confidence to enjoy the life of travel, vacation, and spending time with loved ones you’ve worked so hard to secure.

Learn Your “Magic Number That Dictates When and How Much You Will Receive From Your Pension.

Proven Strategies To Protect Against Market Losses

While Still Earning Robust Wall Street Returns. Fortify your retirement accounts from market losses and guarantee an income for life.

Done-For-You Debt Elimination Strategies Utilizing Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Programs and Incentives.

Making your monthly payments manageable within your budget while planning for your future after employment.

Peace of Mind When Retiring With Financial Security.

Retirement allows teachers to ensure they have enough funds to sustain their lifestyle and meet their financial needs after they stop working. It provides them with a sense of security and peace of mind.

How To Ensure Your Loved Ones Will Always Be Cared For.

By planning for retirement, teachers can alleviate concerns and provide peace of mind to their loved ones, knowing that they have made provisions for their future and won't become a financial burden.

Leaving a Legacy For The Next Generation.

Retirement gives teachers the chance to reflect on their career and the impact they have made on their students' lives. It allows them to consider the legacy they wish to leave behind and how they can contribute to the education community even after they retire.

+ Get A Free $5 Starbucks Card

You’re time is precious, so as a thank you for speaking with an Appreciation Financial consult, enjoy a free coffee break on us with $5 Starbucks card


"Appreciation Financial showed me the power of pre-tax contributions to positively impact my paycheck and retirement savings. Their guidance has afforded my wife and I the life of traveling and vacation we’ve always dreamed of."

-Janice R.,


"Appreciation Financial's debt elimination strategies have been life-changing. With their guidance, I was able to pay off my student loans and make significant progress towards financial freedom. I can't thank them enough!"

-rachel m.,

5th Grade Teacher

"Appreciation Financial's retirement income projection and gap analysis opened up the bigger picture of my financial goals. They made me feel safe and secure with the level of expertise they showed when developing my plan for a comfortable retirement."

-John C.,

Fotball Coach


I'm still young and not ready to retire, is this right for me?

It's fantastic to hear that you're young and ambitious!

Starting your retirement planning now puts you in a prime position to create an incredible financial future. By taking action early, you unlock the power of compound interest and set yourself up for long-term success.

Our expert guidance will help you craft a personalized retirement strategy that maximizes your potential and ensures a prosperous future.

Should talk it over with my spouse before making any decisions?


Open communication with your spouse is key to making informed financial decisions. We encourage you to involve your spouse as we work together to create a retirement plan that aligns with both of your dreams.

Our comprehensive services cater to the needs and goals of both you and your spouse. Let's collaborate and design a retirement strategy that ignites excitement for the future.

I already have a financial advisor, should I still continue with booking an appointment?

It's fantastic that you're already working with a financial advisor!

At Appreciation Financial, we bring an additional layer of expertise specifically tailored to public employee retirement plans. Our team of specialists understands the unique challenges and benefits associated with your profession.

By complementing the services of your current advisor, we provide you with specialized guidance and insights that can supercharge your retirement savings journey.

I'm moving to work in another district, is this right for me?

Congratulations on your exciting career move!

Rest assured, our team is well-versed in handling transitions like these. We'll expertly assess the impact on your retirement savings and guide you through various options, such as rollovers or the portability of your pension benefits.

With our support, your retirement plan will seamlessly adapt to your new chapter, ensuring that you stay on track towards a remarkable future.

I'm thinking about quitting and changing careers anyways, will this work for me?

That's a bold and exciting decision!

We're here to support you every step of the way as you explore new career paths. Our experts will carefully evaluate the implications of changing careers and develop tailored strategies to safeguard your retirement savings.

With our guidance, you can confidently pursue your dreams while ensuring your retirement remains secure. Let's optimize your retirement strategy to make the most of this thrilling career transition!

Is this a free call to speak with you?

We completely understand your concern.

At Appreciation Financial, our priority is building trust and providing value to our clients. During our call, there will be absolutely no pressure to make any immediate commitments. We will take the time to understand your unique financial situation, answer your questions, and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

We're here to empower you with knowledge and support, no strings attached.

How do I know if Appreciation Financial is the right fit for me?

Considering the best fit for your retirement planning needs should be one of your top priorities!

To determine if we're the right match, we recommend scheduling a call with us. This will give you the opportunity to speak with our knowledgeable advisors, ask questions, and get a sense of our expertise and approach.

We'll listen to your goals, provide insights, and offer guidance tailored to your unique situation. Together, we can explore if Appreciation Financial is the perfect partner to help you achieve your retirement dreams.